Young at Heart Ministries

Young at Heart

The Young At Heart Group (YAH) is the activities arm of our MasterBuilders ABF class.

The program is geared to every facet of our senior adult population. Our goal is to involve as many of our number in regular activities, in order to keep everyone focused on living life to the fullest. We are truly Young At Heart.

We have a morning Bible study on the last Wednesday each month, which meets from 10:30 am to 11:30 am. Following the Bible study we go to a local restaurant for lunch together (optional). We rotate the location for lunch each month. We generally hold the cost of the luncheon to accommodate those who are on fixed incomes.

The YAH Group loves to do things and we always have a wonderful time together. Our main focus in everything we do is to honor and glorify our Savior, Jesus Christ.

You're Welcome Here

We Invite You to Come and Visit Heather Hills Baptist Church!

We would love to get to know you and help you grow in your faith.