Worship Ministries

“Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.”


At Heather Hills, we are committed to sincere, biblical worship. We define worship as a response of all that I am to all that God has revealed Himself to be. Worship is not limited to church gatherings but is rather a lifestyle–doing all to the glory of God. At Heather Hills, we seek to equip our members to worship God both privately and corporately, in meditation and prayer, in confession and repentance, in praise and thanksgiving, in witness, and in spiritual warfare. In every meeting of our church, you should find acts of worship. We regularly practice the ordinances of baptism by immersion and the Lord’s Supper. We offer all-church prayer meetings in the summer and a prayer emphasis in ABF classes, Bible studies, and committee meetings, as well as a Wednesday morning men’s prayer breakfast. We have a praise team that practices diligently each week to lead our congregation in musical worship. We encourage all members to give joyfully and regularly to the work of the Lord as God has blessed them.

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